DISTT. DURG (C.G.) - 490001 CBSE Affiliation No.-3330353


All Students should be proud of their school & should make efforts to uphold its name & prestige. They should remain involved in all its activities & make the best use of their time at the school by following the below guidelines-                    

  • Bring Student's diary regularly to school.
  • Come to school in proper uniform.
  • Be regular in attendance & never be late for the school.
  • Attendance of 75% is a must for every exam.
  • Attend morning prayers & other School activities.
  • Bring all the notebooks & books to school according to the time table.
  • Participate in sports; learn sportsmanship.
  • Be courteous, respectful & considerate to your parents, teachers & visitors. Take care of your brothers/sisters at home & school mates at school.
  • Always respect discipline & the rules framed by the school.
  • Look after the school's property, help to keep it clean & avoid all pencil/ink marks on the w3alls & furniture.
  • Keep your classroom clean, throw waste paper(s) in dustbin.
  • Respect the rights of others; remember your own duty.
  • Work collaboratively & cooperatively.
  • Have good work ethics.
  • The students should appear in all the exams throughout the year.
  • The students are advised not to bring valuables like costly watches, gold ornaments and fountain pens to school. 
  • Do not wear or bring expensive items to school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any articles. 
  • Indiscipline of any kind will be taken very seriously.
  • Be regular and punctual. Ensure that you reach school at least 5 minutes before the warning bell.
  • Students should submit the application for pre-planned leave a day in advance.
  • Do not leave class without a class out pass.
  • Take care of school property and ensure that desks/furniture/ walls etc. are not scratched or damaged.
  • In case a student is required to overstay after school hours for extra classes/sports etc.., take proper prior permission in written from the Class Teacher/ in charge after obtaining the same from the parents.
  • Library books should be looked after properly. Any damaged/loss will be paid for by the borrower.
  • Books and magazine brought to the school other than that of the library are liable to be confiscated.
  • Due respect should be shown to prefects, class monitors and students on duty.
  • Any movement to the playground/assembly/Laboratories/activity/library should be done orderly and in a queue.
  • Cycle commuters must keep their cycles in a locked state in the cycle shed/stand.
  • No student is allowed to come to school in a self-driven scooter, motorcycle or car.
  • No student is allowed to leave school during working hours unless they possess the Gate Pass duly signed by the competent authority.
  • Any complaint regarding cleanliness, sanitation, electric fittings or water supply should be brought to the notice of the Class Teacher.
  • Shouting/writing or indulging in unruly behaviour in the school premises is forbidden. Help in maintaining cleanliness and throw litter/papers etc. in the dustbin.
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(C.G.) - 490001
Contact No. - 0788-2222895, 0788-2222963
Email Id : davispatsec2@gmail.com
Web Site : www.davipsbhilai.com

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