SCHOOL UNIFORM (On All Days except Wednesday)

Maroon cheS Maroon Checked shirt with gallace & pocket,
Fawn coloured half Shirt
Maroon checked Half pant with gallace & pocket, Fawn coloured half shirt.
I to IV
Maroon checked tunic
Fawn coloured half-shirt with checked neck tie
Fawn coloured half pant,
Maroon checked Half shirt
V to VII
Fawn coloured Shirt with checked neck tie ,
Divided maroon checked skirt with pocket
Fawn coloured full pant,
Maroon checked full shirt
Fawn coloured kurta, Checked maroon salwar
Checked maroon waistcoat
Fawn coloured full pant,
Maroon checked full shirt
· For both Boys & Girls, fawn colour socks with stripes.
· For both Boys & Girls, blue and red striped belt with DAV CMC logo on the buckle.
· For Girls from Class: Nursery to VIII, Brown shoes with welcrow, Maroon hairband/ribbon/clips is permitted.
· For Boys from Class: Nursery to II, Brown shoes with welcrow; for class: III onwards Brown shoes with laces.
· For both boys and girls handkerchief/napkin is a must.
· For Sikh boys Maroon turban is permissible.
Wednesday/Activity Day Uniform (From Class-1 Onwards)
· House T-Shirt with collars & sleeves having house colour stripes on while base. Navy blue full pants with orange stripes. Shoes & socks as worn on regular days.
Winter Uniform :
· Class- Nursery to V- Maroon Sweater with DAV CMC logo.
· Class VI Onwards – Maroon Blazers with DAV CMC logo.
· For girls of classes Nursery to VII, Maroon slacks is permissible.
· For boys of classes- Nursery to IV, Fawn coloured full pant is preferred during extreme winter.
· Maroon colour cap is allowed with winter uniform.